Roll No: 0802090-059
Faculty of Management & Administrative Sciences
University of Gujrat
A six weeks internship report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of the
BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION in Accounts from Faculty of Management & Administrative Sciences
University of Gujrat by FarhanAhmad Under Roll No: 08020920-059
The Internship report of Mr. Farhan Ahmad is approved:
Internship Supervisor
Letter of Transmittal
The Coordinator,
Faculty of Management & Administrative Sciences
University of Gujrat
Subject: Submission of Internship Report
Dear Sir, I acknowledge with my cordial thanks the co operation & encouragement you provided and it gives me great pleasure in submitting my report to you.
With regard to the opportunities you provided, I tried entirely to figure out something about fan industry and its requisite prospects.
During my 6 weeks training session I have gathered & learned a great experience for myself .finally I entirely enjoyed this assembling of term paper with your renowned institution, mortal support & encouragement.
I should be glad and ready to co-operation with whatever you may ask for further clarification.
Thank you.
Yours Sincerely, ------------------- Farhan Ahmad Roll No: 08020920-059
I dedicate this internship report to all the employees of GFC (Pvt.) Ltd.Whose kind guidance and help, during my stay in metro, made me to learn a lot about different tasks at professional level.
At this moment I also want to give a tribute to my teachers by dedicating this report to Faculty of Management & Administrative Sciences, University of Gujrat.
Contents Page No.
Letter of Transmittal 05
Acknowledgement 06
Executive Summary