Origin of the Report
This internship report is generated under the supervision of Ms. Nadia Farhana Asst. Professor and Head of Marketing Department of Business Administration in North South University . This internship report is required to fulfill award of BBA Degree. The topic of this report is “General Banking Activities of one Bank Limited and Its Impact on Economic Development of Bangladesh”.A Case Study on ONE Bank Limited. The main objective of doing this report is to have a practical experience of the real life aspects that we have study in the classroom. To prepare this report I have selected and got opportunity to work as an internee in ONE Bank Limited at Banasree Branch.
Background of the Study
The internship program in an integral part of the BBA program that all the students have to undergo of North South University. The students are sent to various organizations where they are assigned projects. At the end of the program, the internships are required to place the accomplishment and finding of the project through the writing of the internship report covering the relevant topics. During the program, supervisor guides each student-one from the university and the other from the organization.
This report is the result of the12 weeks (January 31-April 30, 2011) internship program in ONE Bank Limited, Banasree Branch. This report contains introduction about the report in chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Industrial & Theoretical Background in chapter 3: Organization Profile in chapter 4: General Banking in chapter 5: Conclusion. The topic of the report has been consulted & directed by the internship supervisor from North South University .
Objective of the report
Primary Objective
The primary information was gathered through interviews, observation and group
Bibliography: 3. Annual Report and Operation manual (Feb 2008) of ONE Bank Limited. 4. Kotler Philip. Armstorng Gary (2001), “Principles of Marketing”, 9th Edition Prentice Hall 5