My ultimate goal is to become a pediatric nurse. In this field as in many others communication is very important. Everyone needs to be in the loop of what is going on to get a clear understanding of whatever the situation may be. This is where all 9 elements come into play, although I will only speak of a few.
As a speaker the speech pattern is imperative. The nurses/patient(s) voice should be clear, strong, fluent, and articulate with a clear expression of thought. Abnormalities in speech such as soft, loud, pressured, incoherent speech is detrimental in trying to get to the root of an issue/illness.
In nursing there is a great deal of information to send to others in such a short period of time. In order to transmit …show more content…
A perfect example would be ambulatory sirens going off just outside the office. This would divert my patient focus elsewhere and not on me.
I believe presentation go hand in hand with giving a message and channeling. Presentation is as important as communication. As a nurse I want to be credible and respected. The presentation I give should be clear with no mistakes or stuttering. If I never know what I’m talking about and throw something to the patients, display rude or vulgar behavior my patients will lose respect for me and my credibility would be shot.
From my understanding situation and environmental context is the purpose for the speech and the space and time in which I speak. For example, if a patient’s spouse (2) walks in the room towards the end of me giving the doctor’s order, the spouse (2) missed the context of what I was explaining to the other spouse (1). At this point Spouse 2 is confused and doesn’t understand what is going on until he/she is caught up. This would be an environmental context. An example of a situational context would be when I’m repeating to my patient he must stop eating so many sweets because his sugar levels are rising. Without context my audience will be just as confused as I will