When given the time, I question the validity of my own opinions and ideas. By presenting my opinions in a confident yet respectful manner, even when feeling unsure, I can build trust in myself and my coworkers. Failing to give those in my work center the chance to hear my views reinforces the fear of failure and distrust. I must also work on asking for feedback from, and providing feedback to those up, down, and sideways in my chain of command. Doing so will encourage a supportive and cooperative working environment. However, for my practice of assertiveness to make a difference on work center climate, I also need be mindful of the Conversational Constraint Theory.
Depending on the situation, I utilize both social-relational and task-oriented conversational constraints. Each strategy has its benefits, but to remain effective they must be used at the appropriate time. As mentioned before, when I become focused on the task at hand, I will forgo fostering relationships. Using task-oriented conversational constraint can be beneficial when time and/or safety is an immediate concern; however, it is not appropriate to