I see Jan being able to convince Ken that her intentions are sincere by first being committed to everyone’s satisfaction and applying the win-win approach (Wood, 2013, P. 230). “ I’m sorry Ken, what can I do to fix this?” Secondly, by using a softer tone and better voice response (Wood, 2013, P.232). Had she combined the two at the time she replied to Ken, she would have been more effective. “ Oh Ken, I did not realize what I was doing would end up hurting you, I never meant to hurt you! Can you ever forgive me?”…
Conflict is an inevitable part of life. It can arise from a failure to achieve a motive or when facing an unfamiliar environment. Conflict is an opportunity to improve. Different individuals will learn to cope with conflict differently; it may seem natural for some to avoid or stand by conflict and let it tear relationships apart, but there are common mechanisms which people can adopt to resolve their problems. Finding similarities and ignoring the differences is one way of coping with unlike individuals, but the fundamental approach to resolving conflict is to accept. The acceptance of individual and cultural differences gives us insight and understanding of the basis of conflict, which also allows for reassessment of moral values. This is how unity can be achieved in the most difficult of all circumstances.…
Conflict is an inevitable occurrence of disagreement that tend to take place between or within individuals. It is triggered when one’s values and beliefs regarding their historical, cultural and religious aspects are challeneged. Most of the times conflict does occur between the powerful and the powerless. However, this is not the only case; conflict also exist within each individual, even though the circumstances are varied for each and every one of us. Thus, conflict is a matter that can be found between those in power and those who don’t, between individuals (interpersonal) and within individuals (intrapersonal).…
The true test of someone’s character is not determined by how we deal with conflict in our life, but how we deal with all the aspects of our lives, for example; how we are when we are happy, grieving or angry. Our maturity levels also play a huge part in defining who we are. There is no doubt that conflict alters our emotions, thus it effects our actions, but this does not determine who we are. It only shows how we act in times of stress. Conflict can be encountered in many aspects of people’s lives including social, work and home lives. An emotional state of our being is not indicative of our true self; it is simply symptomatic of an event.…
When people experience conflict they not only learn more about themselves, but also about others. Conflict is often a test of character, and reveals the true nature of a person. It tests a person’s understanding and inner strength as well as exposing their flaws and weaknesses. While some people may handle disputes in a calm, reasonable and respectful manner, others respond in explosive, angry, hurtful and resentful ways that they often regret later. Knowing a person’s reaction to conflict can teach people to compromise and resolve the problem efficiently. People each react differently to conflict because we are all different, and by encountering it and revealing people’s true selves we can learn and grow from the experience.…
According to our textbook, there are two fundamental aspects are important in all conflicts: (1) communication behaviors and (2) the perceptions of those behaviors. Think of the study of conflict as a view through a lens, like the lens of a camera, or through prescription glasses. The lens model of conflict specifies that each person has a view of (1) oneself, (2) the other person, and (3) the relationship. These perceptual pieces form the fundamental views of all conflicts, and combined together they form the mosaic of a particular conflict (Wilmot & Hocker 2010).…
The text suggests several key ideas about conflict It demonstrates that conflict can make individuals work harder to achieve their dreams and can bring out the strength of the human spirit through a sense of hope. It also shows that conflict can sometimes be negative when it can lead to long lasting emotional trauma, when nothing is gained during conflict then it can said to be also negative. Historical events such as the civil rights movement and current events in the media show both the positives and negatives involved in conflict.…
Identifying the underlying humanistic facets that contribute to both interpersonal and intrapersonal conflict (Wilmot & Hocker, 2007) appears a worthy undertaking. Many suggestions might be made as to the mechanisms contributing to conflict. This discourse will attempt to address this issue through defining conflict, the role of personality in conflict, how metaphor may aid understanding conflict, and social factors contributing to conflict such as culture and gender. (Do not use yellow highlights in your paper, as this is only to indicate how these can become level one headings.)…
At the core of all conflict analysis is perception (Wilmot & Hocker, 2011). In interpersonal conflicts, people react as though there are genuinely different goals, there is not enough of some resource, and the other person actually is getting in the way of something prized by the perceiver (Wilmot & Hocker, 2011).…
Today I will be presenting how the ways in which conflict is dealt with impacts upon how we relate to others. Conflict is an implication between two or more parties where opposing ideas and/or opinions are clashed. By dealing with conflicts, people are not only able to move forward by accepting mistakes of the past, but the manner in which the conflict has been dealt with has implications on how people relate to others.…
Conflict is a normal part of everyday life. Conflict occurs in many different relationship types. Conflict is known as a disagreement between two or more individuals. The disagreement can be due to, incompatible goals, certain interferences, or competition. Whatever the reason may be, we all deal with conflict at some point.…
* What are the reasons behind conflict between people? Is compromise always the best solution? Can it bring out the best in people? Listening? Understanding? Resolving? Conflict can also be solved by ‘winning’ – when one person’s wishes compromise another’s. Conflict can be avoided as well.…
Emotional conflict, also referred to as relationship conflict or affective conflict, is described (Standifer et Al. 2013) as being based on personal and interpersonal elements but this paper will emphasize task conflict.…
Conflict theory is based entirely in power and how those in power do all they can to hold the majority of the population down and to keep them from gaining power, so as to secure their own position. Conflict theorists would say that obesity is a product of the living conditions, stress and poor quality of food and health education. Obesity is seen as deviant and problematic and therefore conflicts with the ideal society of being fit and thin. The more obese the less power and stature you have in society.…
The dispute occurs between Robert, who is my boss and I. Two weeks before the conflict, I ask Robert for a one week-holiday, and he gave me his consent to have this break. I have been on time and did my best for this company from day one. I didn't have any day off since I started working here six month ago. I purchased my flight ticket, booked my hotel room, planned my trip and committed with my friends and family. However, the day before the journey, the result of the project on which we were working on has been ...and we lost it. It wasn't because of my lack of commitment, I did my very best to accomplish all my tasks. He asked me to cancel my trip in order to stay and work with him and my team. This is a follow-up to the meeting I requested.…