Assignment 3: Interpretation Planning and Design at the Adelaide Central Market
Prepared for: Katherine Sutcliffe
Submitted: 30/11/2012
Anna Chiappini 2104962
2nd semester 2012
Flinders University
i. Executive Summary
The purpose of this report, produced as part in the participation to “the Essentials of Interpretation” Topic at Flinders University, is to plan and design a new interpretation panel for Adelaide Central Market, one of the most important local heritage items of the City of Adelaide, after the analysis of the effectiveness of its actual interpretation.
The analysis has covered the identification of the target audience of the site: multicultural, cross-generational, with different levels of income and education, but basically formed by “Streakers” (Sutcliffe, 2012), whose attention is generally hard to maintain and need appealing interpretation forms; the sense of place has been captured considering the observation of visitors at the Market and my personal experience: it results in a cosmopolitan, familiar, safe and enjoyable place, but rather poorly maintained. The stakeholders and partners identified comprise organisations, associations and individuals such as the Community Engagement Board, the Government of South Australia, the South Australian Tourism Industry Council, the South Australian Tourism Commission, Adelaide’s tour operators, Adelaide City Council, business associations, visitors, residents and employees.
The interpretation mechanisms applied included panels, banners, flyers, brochures, guided tours, online content, fabrication and market products themselves, stalls and shops: as many of them seemed to be more informative than properly interpretative tools, the potential of interpretation at Adelaide Central Market seems not fully exploited.
The development of a new interpretation panel for the Adelaide Central Market is crucial in order to communicate the
References: (APA): Adelaide Central Market (2012 a): Adelaide Central Market – About Us – History Adelaide City Council (n.d., b): City attractions Map. Retrieved from: Adelaide City Council (2012 c) “Development Plan Amendment” Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2011). Incomes: Average Weekly Earnings. Retrieved from: T Louise (surname n.d.) (2012): A strong belief in Wicker Blog – Adelaide Central Market. Blog post, posted on: Naomi Marsh (2011): New era for Central Market Naomi Marsh (2012): CEO Announced For New Central Market Authority S.Semken (2012): the EarthScope Workshop for Interpretive professionals in the Central Appalachian Region (James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia) - Sense of Place. Retrieved from: (part 1) (part 2) SA Memory (2006): Central Markets contents South Australia Tourism Industry Council (2012): South Australia Tourism Industry Council -What is SATIC? Retrieved from: K Adelaide Now (2011): Market 's happy meals for homeless. Blushing Strawberry Blogspot (n.d.) The Sydney Morning Herald (2010): Adelaide: what to do in three great days. Retrieved from:; (n.d.). Retrieved from: Golden Farm Egypt (2011) (2010): Media Centre - Central Market ‘is part of Adelaide’s daily life’ TimeOut Adeaide (2012): Adelaide Central Market. Retrieved from: