To make you better understand his article, he added a very well written summery of the movie followed by interpretations of the film’s scenes that could be applied to what was happening in America in 1951 and events happening in 2008. He compares the Cold War’s potential to lead to atomic catastrophe to the current war on terrorism; the public’s confusion on whether to trust scientist to the current debate of stem cell research, climate change and the scientific basis of evolution; and the media’s need to sensationalize current events take away from the real issues both in 1951 and today.
I would have to say that Pardon’s article is very convincing and well written; the amount of information given by the author is very satisfactory. There is plenty of background information on what were the current events in the 1950s on every interpretation on the not so hidden messages of the movie that allow you to see the similarity of today’s issues and clearly see how the movie can be relatable today. Also, it goes into details of every important character, and even compares characters to specific iconic