Fundamentals of Human Resources
1. Describe your long range goals and strategies in the HR Management Simulation.
When I first began this simulation, I was confused and unsure of how to strategize. I questioned whether my strategies should be more for the benefit of the company or for the benefit of the employee. Maybe I am naive in my thought process but I ultimately decided to strategize for the employees. It is my belief and experiences in both the corporate and non-corporate sectors that happy employees are more productive therefore leading to more profit for the business. I also believe that the more money invested into the training and safety of the employees the less likely the company will have to spend exorbitant amounts of money on turnover training, medical benefit claims and workers compensation. It was not my strategy to immediately implement pay raises. While I believe everyone likes to get a raise, I believe it is more important to invest in benefits and training. I did budget for a few smaller quarterly raises when instead of yearly because I felt a quarterly increase offered a bigger incentive. To summarize, my strategic plan was to invest in the employee’s benefits, training, and overall safety. I also supported my decision to invest in the employees by offering the smaller quarterly raises. My long range goal was to implement a “win-win” scenario and I believed the best way to do this was by investing in the people responsible for production. I believed that content employees would offer better production, therefore increasing the company’s overall profit margin.
2. Describe how you reviewed and forecasted the organization’s categories listed below. Also, what were your outcomes? * Staffing- In order to make my forecasts in regards to staffing changes, I began by consulting the staff reports. I used that report to forecast