The meaning and foundation of marriage is, therefore, the covenant. The family is the privileged place for the blessing which is passed on by the children and is opened to a universal brotherhood where the unique and original image of God will be restored. Marriage represents in the whole history of …show more content…
Some aspects of marriage in Intertestamental Literature
Intertestamental period extends from the two centuries before Christian era through the first Century AD. We shall consider some of the works which are not in the canonical collection of Scriptures. We have hereby to admit that the problem of dating the material and the fact that the literature yields strongly contrasting views regarding marriage are a challenge in studying the intertestamental literature. However, it is extremely important to understand the environment in which the Gospel was first preached by Jesus and continues by New Testament authors.
The Talmud (5th/8th Centuries) are texts that were used to illustrate the anthropological basis of marriage, particularly monogamy both simultaneously (only one wife) and successive (no divorce). This is verified in Damascus document composed at least as early as 100B.C. In column 4, the text speaks of the three nets of belial by which the Israelites were being captured in infidelity. The three were: sexual irregularity, bigamy and divorce; which is called