You might be wondering, “What’s the big deal if chemical weapons were used? So many have already died, why is everyone making such a big deal about these one thousand?” Well, over one million troops were harmed by chlorine and mustard gas in World War I, triggering a barrage of public. The Geneva Convention outlawed the gasses in 1925 due to their brutal and horrifying effects (“Chemical Weapons”). So, in an attempt to enforce this mandate and also to keep the weapons from spreading to other Middle Eastern countries, Obama has been pushing for a military strike to bomb supposed stockpiles of chemical weapons.
But is it even legal to intervene in another country’s civil war like that? And would bombing a country’s ammunition depots (that may or may not have chemical weapons) be a good choice for international diplomacy? The U.N. charter is very particular when it comes to justifying war. “The international legal regime on the use of force is therefore constituted at the intersection of Articles 2(4), 39, and 51 of the UN Charter: the use of force by states
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