The day after Anthony’s trial ended, Grace was invited for an interview by George Stephanopoulos on “Good Morning America.” Before Stephanopoulos introduced Grace on his show, he showed a video flashback of Grace calling Anthony “tot mom.” Stephanopoulos went on to say that “we were all watching that verdict yesterday, I was watching it with Dan Abraham and our jaws both dropped.” Through this statement Stephanopoulos is telling Grace that I am on your side. This statement makes the purpose of the interview seem like a waste. What will be the outcome of an interview where both interviewer and the interviewee have the same opinion? Stephanopoulos should not have given his opinion right in the beginning of his interview. This way the viewers would show no interest on the interview, who would want to watch a biased interview? Then after giving his opinion he asked Grace what went on in her mind?
Stephanopoulos asked Grace if she felt like she lost. This was the best question of the interview. Since Grace has taken the case really seriously and has given some very personal opinion about the case. She was trying her best to