1. Assumption of our company P.1 1.1 The size of company P.1 1.1.1 Organization Structure P.1 1.1.2 Our Management Attitude P.1 1.2 Our major products which want to trade to China market P.1
2. The external factors what we need to concern P.2
(i) Muffler Magic (MM) background P.5
(ii) Business characteristics P.5
(iii) Human Resources Functions in MM P.5
(iv) Recommendations of recruiting, selection and training role to HR manager P.5
2b. Develop a 10 questions structured interview for Ron Brown’s service center managers can use to interview experienced technicians.
10 questions for interviewer P.6
2c. If you were Ron Brown, would you implement the professor’s recommendation addressing the presenteeism problem, in other words start paying for sick days? Why or why not?
View point of this suggestion and the explanation P.6
2d. If you were advising Ron Brown, would you recommend that he implement the professor’s skill-base pay and incentive pay plan as is? Why? Would you implement it with modifications? If you would modify it, please be specific about what you think those modifications should be, and why?
View point of this suggestion and the explanation P.6,7
1) Introduction of Performance Appraisal Definition
William and Barry (2007) introduced performance appraisal definition and history that, a hundred years ago, a merit rating system in the federal Civil Service Commission’s in America. Further, a performance appraisal was introduced by Lord & Taylor in 1914.
At the earliest of 20th century, numerous companies were basis of Frederick Tayloy’s “scientific management”to build up their performance appraisals . At a later time, Peter Drucker’s brings up an innovation idea of Management by Objectives (MBO) and a Theory X and Theory Y concept also introduced by Douglas McGregor’s in 1950s.
Nowadays, an organization usually assigns the manager to prepare a systematic assessment