Introduction by moderator or host: Good morning / afternoon/ evening. Americans recently have been very concerned about disturbances at the textile mills of Lowell, Massachusetts. I 'm _____________ and you 're watching _________________.Today/tonight we 'll be talking about _______________.
To better understand these events, we 'll talk with ____________________, who is___________; as well as______________________, who_______________________. Finally, for a perspective from a _____________________, we 'll also have_______________________on our show.
We 're going to start with _______________. Mr/Mrs.__________________, tell us __________.
1st Guest: Well, ________________________________________________________.
Host 's response: Let 's go to ________________________________for a response. Mr/Mrs._________________, what do you think of ____________ 's comment?
2nd guest: Well, ____________________________________________________
1st Guest response to 2nd guest: _______________________________________
Continue in talk show/round table discussion format, involving all guests in a dialogue/debate that shows different sides of the issues involved:
Concluding Statement by host: ____________________________________________.
Do your research. Familiarize yourself with any experts that you may be interviewing about the topic at hand. You don 't need to be an expert. However, it is important to know the ins and outs of the subject, as well as any controversies that exist. Further, biographical and professional information about people that you interview will pay off when you begin writing.
Write your
References: AWAI Online: How to Write an Exciting Interview Writing World: Conducting Interviews Resources Read this Article in Portuguese George Mason University: Writing Your Talk Show Script Photo Credit Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images Read more: