OBJECTIVE: To explore and examine your choice of a college course by learning from an interviewee who graduated with the same course that you are now taking.
NOTE: For those who are having second-thoughts (or are still unsure) about your chosen course, this is an opportunity for you to learn about your course as well as the opportunities that await you if you graduate from the course you are considering to shift to. For those who are planning to shift, this interview should also guide you in your decision-making. Of course you will need to secure the permission of your parents before doing that, and you would need to be able to provide them with concrete reasons based on a sound and systematic career planning. You are also encouraged to consult your guidance counselor about this, and specifically request to avail of their career counseling services. Ask your guidance counselor about the specific interests, abilities, and aptitude tests you can take from ITEO to help you know what you have (interests, skills, aptitude, abilities, needs, and values) and the occupation you can pursue in relation to what you have.
IMPORTANT: You need to do this interview personally, face-to-face and ask questions directly. Do not give your interviewee a piece of paper to answer. This will put you in a position where you can freely ask follow up questions. In instances when the interviewee has a tendency to give limited (short, matter-of-fact) responses, use your probing skills—ask clarifying and follow up questions. Partners will have to be together in doing this.
1. Interview a person who has already worked for two (2) or more years and who took the same course as yours. The longer the years of experience, the better. It would be ideal if the interviewee’s current work is still in line with the course he/she graduated from in college. You may wish to interview some of your teachers in your major courses, but they