My name is CHAN CHUN CHIEN and I am student pursuing my assignment at SEGi College Penang. I would like to include you in a research project about the relationship between organization rewards and motivation employees.
During our interview, I will have some questions about your ideas or opinions related to organization rewards and motivation employees. If there is any question that I would ask and you prefer not to answer, please feel free to tell me. We will move on to another question. If you would like to stop the interview at any point of time, please do inform me and we will end our interview immediately.
Your participation in this interview is completely voluntary and you may refuse to participate at any time. Should you have any questions regarding this research, you can contact me directly at +60164389975 or email me at
Thank you for your consideration. If you agree to participate in this research project, please sign below:
I agree to be interviewed for this research project (Please circle one)
Yes No
Name of Researcher Signature
Chan Chun Chien
Name of Participant Signature
Mr Wayne Chong