Interview Protocol
Maxwell (2004) stated that “If you can become the leader you ought to be on the inside, you will be able to become the person you want to be on the outside. People will want to follow you.” This is what makes a great leader, someone who believes in themself and know exactly who they are and this is a characteristic that shines from the inside out.
Interview Questions
1) What would you say are the characteristics of a good leader?
A leader is a person with integrity, who is honest, humble, helpful and kind.
Someone who puts others before themselves and who inspires others to do better.
2) Of the characteristics you just described, which do you consider most important in leadership ?
I think they are all important
3) In your profession, do you carry any of these characteristics? If so, please tell me about them.
I help others who are in need, I am honest and I am kind
4) Do you believe that there are other good leaders who do not have the leadership characteristics that you described?
I suppose.
5) If yes, explain what still makes them a good leader. If no, what are these leaders lacking?
Well, I think Hitler made a good leader but he was not kind or humble and he only helped his self.
6) Should good leaders have charisma to carry out their duties?
Yes, Charisma is what keeps people drawn, attracted and inspired.
7) In what ways have a good leader influenced your life?
A good leader taught me to be persistent and follow through. Now, I always make sure that I follow through with phone calls or activities. I also try to give
Good feed back and display excellence in everything that I do.
My interview questions stem from my research question of describing an individual that the interviewee admired.
References: Maxwell, J. C. (2004, August 23). The 21 Indespensable Qualities of a Leader: Becoming the Person Others Will Want to Follow. Retrieved from Purdue University: