Teaching English as Second Language(TESL) is something which I was planning to do since last year. When this word "Teaching" comes into mind, I feel the enthusiasm and passion to spread all the knowledge I have. This passion inspired me more to have an interview with a ESL teacher, although it was also a part of my course curriculum. So, I contacted an institute in Saskatoon to schedule an interview with a ESL teacher. This institute is government funded organization which helps people to learn ESL along with all other social activities. There, I got a chance to meet Ms. M who is an ESL instructor in this institute. I observed her teaching, conducting the class, keeping her students engaged in activities, and taking them to library as their field trip. She is teaching ESL to Drop-in LINC level 4-5 (intermediate) classes which was partially funded by CIC(Citizenship and Immigration Canada) and partially by other funding. She is also teaching other type of class which is under CLB(Canadian Language Benchmark) Level 3-4 under Stage - 1 Program.
The Drop-in LINC program she is teaching, has a variety of students. Since this is partially funded by CIC, So the beauty of this program is, it is not a full time program. So, different kinds of students like students, skilled workers, well educated homemakers, are in her class. This class meets every Monday, Thursday and alternate Saturday evenings, for probably 6 Hours per week. The average teacher to student ratio for this class is 1:16. As this is a part time class, so evaluation is done every 3 months. So, it takes long time for students to move from one level to next. According to instructor, the goal for Stage-1 program will be generally learn enough English to deal with everyday living like; talking to doctor, bank manager for mortgage, talk to teacher about kids in school, filling out forms, reading newspapers. Instructor thinks that theme based objectives,
References: Books 1. Author - H. D. Brown - Text-book - Teaching by Principles - Teaching Reading"" Page 357-375 2. Author - H. D. Brown - Text-book - Teaching by Principles - "Teaching Speaking" Page 302-322 3. Author - Penny Ur - Text-book - A course in English Language Teaching - "Teaching listening" Page 101-110 4. Author - Penny Ur - Text-book - A course in English Language Teaching - "Teaching speaking" Page 117-130 5. Author - H. D. Brown - Text-book - Teaching by Principles - "Strategies Based Instruction" Page 257- 268 Articles in a Journal 6. Online link - http://www.teslcanadajournal.ca/index.php/tesl/article/viewFile/689/520 7. CFR pages - 23-44 - http://www.education.gov.sk.ca/guide-to-using-cfr-with-eal 8. Ontario Ministry of Education (2001) English as second language and English Literacy Development: A resource guide, page 30-50