Wrong! The absence of the worms made her sickness worse. as As Dr. William Parker found in his research “ In controlled studies in humans, helminths were shown to halt progression of relapsing . . . and effectively treat many individuals with inflammatory bowel disease without report of adverse side effect.”. Dr. William Parker believes that tapeworms are helping humans everyday with them helping reduce cancer inside human bodies. “ Helminths can help us with a wide range of inflammatory diseases. . . “ as studies have shown reports Dr. Parker. Mutualistic helminths help regulate our immune function because they are able to build regulatory networks of immune cells that decrease the general inflammation without hurting the humans immune system. As Dr. Parker presents us with this information he tends to be more stylistic on this topic of information.
Wrong! The absence of the worms made her sickness worse. as As Dr. William Parker found in his research “ In controlled studies in humans, helminths were shown to halt progression of relapsing . . . and effectively treat many individuals with inflammatory bowel disease without report of adverse side effect.”. Dr. William Parker believes that tapeworms are helping humans everyday with them helping reduce cancer inside human bodies. “ Helminths can help us with a wide range of inflammatory diseases. . . “ as studies have shown reports Dr. Parker. Mutualistic helminths help regulate our immune function because they are able to build regulatory networks of immune cells that decrease the general inflammation without hurting the humans immune system. As Dr. Parker presents us with this information he tends to be more stylistic on this topic of information.