Kindly place the white board in front of the pantry's door, I don't wanna see the pantry because it gives me heartache knowing that I won't see him anymore, doing something nasty on the toilet room. Or maybe transfer the production department anywhere away from the office. Everything about this place reminds me of him. But I can't resign for the reason that, I still have friends, whom I really love that working here. And it's hard to move on, especially seeing someone talking about him. I'm tired and I need to get rid of everything that reminds me of him. I just thought we are meant to be with. But everything falls down, when I heard the news. You just don't know how hurtful it is. It's hard to give up someone especially if he's so special…
As Mrs. Johnson sauntered in her doctors office and took a seat. As she remained patiently for Dr. Proctor, he slowly entered the room. Hesitant I. His words he spoke cautiously. " Hi Mrs. Johnson," "Hello Dr. Proctor."…
Days and nights would pass by with Barbara unable to spot any difference in between. The routine had been formed; she’d wake up, go to work, visit the elderly house, return home to sleep. Repeat. Barbara at the age of 30 was worn out and exhausted. Her mother’s death had scarred her deeply, her children hated her and her husband had left her for some woman he had found at some bar.…
There is a reason the U.S. Supreme Court Justices tend to quote Dickens frequently in their opinions: he usually some good points about the law. When it comes to legal fees, Dickens often pontificated as to whether it was ever possible to have a fair trial when money determined the quality of representation. Two hundred years later and on the opposite side of the Atlantic, this issue is still ripe for debate because regardless of all the services available; social equality in the law does not exist - particularly when it comes to the mentally ill or disabled. This paper will discuss the ethical issues surrounding legal fees, examine the options for representation available, and touch upon how this affects the mentally ill or disabled - a group…
We arrived in 1905. Crowds of people left the boat, thunderous voices roared as we walked. We were unaware of where we were or where we were heading. As I looked towards her I saw how afraid she was and held her hand. We followed the orders that were being shouted at us and made our way to the first doctor.…
Diarrhoea refers to altered bowel movement following an increased water content, volume and/or frequency of stools. Infectious diarrhoea is usually linked to vomiting, nausea or abdominal cramps.…
I’m so sorry Charlie. I hope that she will find her way back to you, but it’s looking like today will not be that day. Besides, it’s for your own good, she wasn’t a very honest woman. Hey, I know what will cheer you up. How about we go to the pizza place I used to take you to?…
It was now or never in the white room full of beeping machines surrounding me. The doctor had just told me that I was dying. My heart sunk to the ground as hard as an anchor. The ghost-like faces in the room were my parents, as they sat there more lost than ever. I now knew I had to fight not only for my life, but with myself. Remembering the sting of the tube down my throat and IV in my arm, I reluctantly moved closer to the plate. This plate full of food staring at me was now my medicine. It took every muscle in my body to pick up the forkful of peas. The gravitational pull of my fingers clinging to the fork was unbearable, as though my body was screaming for me to put it down. It has been months since I have been this close to a plate, nor picked up a fork. I closed my eyes as the tears came streaming down my cheeks and opened my quivering mouth. I moved my shaky hand towards my mouth and poured the peas over my tongue. As I swallowed, I felt every pea go down like they were slitting my throat. This was putting poison in my body, as I felt the guilt clawing at me leaving invisible scars of fear and anger behind. I…
They say that the bond between two brothers is stronger and more permanent than Equestira itself. A brother is your best friend, your secret keeper, your storybook keeper. You go to him when you have harrowing secrets plaguing your mind. I’ve been told that I’m lucky; because on the day Sapphire and I were born, I was extremely close to not having a brother. Hehe, what a mighty contradictory that would have been.…
Some of the diseases and conditions that might be seen while working as a gastroenterologist include but are not limited to, celiac disease, crohn’s disease, a hiatal hernia and appendicitis. Other problems that might be seen are gallstones, GERD, liver disease, hemorrhoids, anal fissures and whipple’s disease, just to mention a few of them. Injuries that a gastroenterologist might see are drug-induced liver injury (DILI), stab wounds and gun shot wounds. Abuse injuries in children are generally located in the abdomen area, and this could cause many different injuries such as internal bleeding, epigastric mass due to a pancreatic hematoma and peritonitis. All of those and many others are all things that a gastroenterologist will help to not…
The digestive system is a group of organs that perform the process by which food, containing nutrients, is eaten and broken down into different components. This breakdown makes it possible for the digested material to pass through the intestinal wall into the blood stream. The digestive process contains many different steps that take place in many different organs.<br><br>The first step of digestion begins at the mouth, where the food enters the mouth. Saliva is secreted from the salivary glands. The saliva contains enzymes such as Ptyalin, which starts sugar digestion. The enzymes also provide lubrication to help in the chewing and swallowing of the food. The food then goes down the esophagus and into the stomach, where the next step of digestion takes place. <br><br>In the stomach, a mixture of hydrochloric acid and Pepsin, which is secreted by the stomach wall, liquefies the food. At the same time, a substance called intrinsic factor binds Vitamin B in food and various gastric enzymes, such as Pepsin (which begins protein digestion), which are secreted by the stomach wall. Secretions of mucus protect the stomach from its digestive enzymes. The food is then mixed in the stomach, turning it into chyme(digested food). The muscular pumping motion called peristalsis churns the chyme around.<br><br>The chyme then passes through the pyloric valve by peristalsis to the first portion of the small intestine, the duodenum. The duodenum is where most of the chemical digestion takes place. Here, bile from the gallbladder and enzymes from the pancreas and intestinal walls combine with the chyme to begin the final part of digestion.<br><br>Bile liquid is created in the liver, and stored in the gallbladder. Bile aids in the mechanical digestion of fat. The pancreas and gland cells of the small intestine secrete digestive enzymes that chemically break down complex food molecules into simpler ones. These enzymes include trypsin for protein digestion, amylase for carbohydrate…
It was a pain unlike any other. I have never felt this before. A scream builds on my lips, a cruel laugh sounds from the darkness. I bit back the scream, determined not to give him the satisfaction instead my silent scream resonates in my head. The smell hit me before the pain did. I did scream then, oh how I screamed. I screamed until my voice grew hoarse and still I screamed. I cried out until I could no longer until darkness clouded my eyes and I knew no more.…
Jeff said, I'm anointed with kids, I liked that. But, while mentioning the dream to Jeff, I could tell he put no stock in it what so ever. Valuing his opinion, I suppress it, although we had different ideas. At the same time frame of the dream, I'm visiting the dentist. My upper front tooth gave me excruciating pain. The dentist performed three root canals on this same tooth, but the pain's not going away. Up to this point, I have had many needles in my mouth, I dread the needle. The dentist who's pale skin, dark hair, and energy I'm transcribe to once again I surrender my mouth to. The needle penetrates under my upper lip, my heart's racing. In goes another shot and another. The drill's loud and penetrating my bone, blood is splatters and…
I didn’t have any recollection of doing so, but here I was, waiting for the doctors to do whatever they needed to do to save me. I wanted to leave, but my mother’s tears convinced me otherwise. It didn’t take them long to bring me in, since my organs were slowly but painfully shutting down by the second. They made me drink a black liquid, that would save my kidneys, but it had a wrenched smell of rotten eggs and a taste so horrid it still haunts me to this day. They then placed me in a room with monitors and wires covered all over me. I knew that I wasn’t going to die like I had planned, and that thought caused me to go numb. What was going to happen…
“I’m chilled to the bone” I thought. I tried to find the bed sheets but it was only then that I realised I could not move my hands. I opened my eyes and to my horror I realised that I was not in my room but in a small cage. How terrified I was! I tried to cry for help but my voice was struck in my throat. I could feel my heart pounding so loudly! What was happening to me? I asked. I was no longer a human being. I was a strange kind of creature. An animal? A bird? A parrot. I was turned into my grandfather’s favourite pet animal: Pico.…