December 10, 2013
Intimate partner violence among cohabitating or married couples A part of human nature is to form relationships with others in our society. We form these relationships to preserve ourselves and the greater good of mankind. These relationships we as humans form , are supposed to be synergistic to both parties that are involved in said relationship. Unfortunately, twenty-two percent of women and seven percent of men have been victims of intimate partner violence over the course of their lives (Seecombe,2012,pg.309). We must also take the statistical data with a grain of salt. Sadly, most cases of intimate partner violence go unreported due to people not wanting to get into what they believe to be a private matter, and embarrassment. The book defines intimate partner violence as, violence between those who are physically and sexually intimate, such as spouses or partners. The violence can encompass physical, economic, sexual, or psychological abuse. (Seecombe.2012,pg308) From the definition, we can tell that there is not just one form of violence included in intimate partner violence. One of the many forms this violence can encompass is of the physical nature. If someone you are in a relationship with hurts you by pushing, grabbing ,slapping, punching, kicking, biting, throwing objects, attempting to hit, choking, stabbing, attempting stabbing, ect.., you have been a victim of intimate partner violence. If your partner kept you or is keeping you financially subordinate against your will, you have been a victim. If you partner takes sex from you when you are unwilling to participate, you have been a victim of abuse. If your partner causes you emotional strife through, rejection, isolation, exploitation, terrorizing, ignoring, or corrupting you, you have been a victim of the same violence as the person whose spouse hits them. This can reasonably be seen as a reason why these crimes do not always get reported. Most
References: Caetano, R. (2008). Intimate partner violence victim and perpetrator characteristics among couples in the united states. Journal of Family Violence, 23(6), 507-518. Retrieved from Seecomb,K.S.(2012).Exploringmarriagesfamiles.(D.M.Musslewhite).Boston.Mass:Alley&Bacon.(2012) Trawick, S. T. (2012). Birth control sabotage as domestic violence: A legal response. California Law Review, 100(3), 721-760. Retrieved from