What is Medical Technology?
Branch of laboratory medicine which deals with the diagnostic or therapeutic applications of science and technology.
Also known as Clinical Laboratory Science
A dynamic healthcare profession that deals with the study and practice of diagnostic laboratory medicine.
Ruth Heinemann (1963)
The application of principles of natural, physical, and biological sciences to the performance of laboratory procedures which aid in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
Anna Fagelson (1961)
The branch of medicine concerned with the performance of laboratory determinations and analyses used in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease and the maintenance of health.
The health profession concerned with performing laboratory analyses in view of obtaining information necessary in the diagnosis and treatment of disease as well as in the maintenance of good health.
Republic Act No. 5527
An auxiliary branch of laboratory medicine which deals with the examination by various chemical, microscopic, bacteriologic and other medical laboratory procedures or technique which will aid the physician in the diagnosis, study, and treatment of disease and in the promotion of health in general.
Medical Technologist
Republic Act No. 5527
A person who engages in the work of medical technology under the supervision of a pathologist or licensed physician authorized by the Department of Health in places where there is no pathologist and who having passed the prescribed course (Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor of Science in Public Health) of training and examination is registered under the provision of this Act.
Nature of Work
Medical Technologists perform complex chemical, biological, hematological, immunologic, microscopic, and bacteriological analyses, including:
Microscopically examine blood and other body fluids.
Make cultures of body fluid and tissue samples to determine the