• Routinization is the way people go about doing something. It’s a method to organize chaos and when practiced it accomplishes the goal quickly and effectively. There are different methods used, but ultimately routinization produces the desired result.
1b. Strategies in the ER:
• In the essay by Chambliss’ essay, “Just Another Routine Emergency”, we learn of the best strategies that are used in the ER’s across the USA to routinize chaos. One of the main strategies used is keeping the public out of the work area. By doing this it helps maintain tranquility for the patients and the hospital staff. It is normal for people to panic during an emergency, but it is just the opposite for healthcare professionals that deal with these situations for a living. By using the rules of “visiting hours” it helps control the families, which Chambliss explains as “reality maintenance”. The hospital personnel draws a line that helps respect the space of the workers, the patients, and the families.
• Another strategy used inside the ER is humor. To lighten the mood doctors, nurses, and residents often use this technique. Although most people would not find anything humorous in an emergency, within the walls of the hospital it is a way of coping with life and death on a day-to-day basis. Both of these strategies help routinize chaos in hospitals and achieve the main goal of saving the patient.
1c. Strategies in Basic Training:
• In “Anybody’s Son Will Do” by Dyer we encounter a different chaos and a different method of routinization. The 18-year-old boys that enroll in the U.S. Marine Corps all come from different backgrounds, different beliefs, and enlist for different reasons. When they first arrive it is a frenzy of testosterone, but the drill instructors know exactly how to tame and conform the recruits before they even have a moment to themselves. They use the strategy of stripping down the recruits inside and out in order to rebuild