Study Worksheet – Chapter 1 Answer Key
Thinking Like a Sociologist
Match the person or term with the appropriate description in the table below.
|Max Weber |E |Macrosociology |I |Symbolic Interactionism |M |
|Karl Marx |D |W.E.B. DuBois |G |Conflict Theory |K |
|Empirical |B |Microsociology |H |Feminist Theory |L |
|Émile Durkheim |C |Sociological imagination |F |Functionalism |J |
|Auguste Comte |A | | | | |
|B |Sociologists rely on this type of data, collected systematically from observation or experiment. |
|H |This approach to studying society emphasizes small-scale patterns of behavior, such as the meaning of nonverbal behavior. |
|G |This social theorist argued that race and discrimination are significant factors in how society is organized. |
|L |This theoretical perspective argues that society is organized by gender inequality. It focuses on the unequal position of women in|
| |society and argues that women and men should be treated equally. |
|F |An awareness of the relationship between the individual and the larger society. |
|C |This social theorist focused on the way social changes – such as the increased division of labor in industrial societies – helped |
| |members of society feel more integrated.