1. Adam Household
Created man 5 assignment, created the woman for 1 assignment
Women assignment means just what its says (help meet) help meet every area in his life that he lacks, his weakness should be your strength.
A Man needs a good woman (Help you or Hinder) A Wise woman build her house.
A woman needs a good Man- Should be able to depend on us that even if she makes a bad suggestion you can make a wise decision.
2. We as saints of God we cannot mix the church concept with the world perception of what a man really is. Real men accept responsibility and be accountable for what God has place you over.
Turn there setbacks into opportunity to minister to their family.
Goes down on his knees and prays for his woman and children.
Will do whatever it takes to make his marriage work and come together in cohesiveness.
3 . But I'm mighty afraid that the world we are living in now is rising up a generation of so called men, who are nothing but spoiled pampered mams boys.
30 year old's – with the mind of an 13 year old.
60 year senior citizen trying live back in their primes talking about I still got it.
(1 Cor 13:11) When I was a child
Enemy attacking our house because the father's acting childish......Kids going to be kids. Children become what they see.
The whole house is full of Juvenile adolescent.
4. We can't fight a grown devil with a child mentality. It's dangerous for a inexperience saint trying to fight hand tot hand combat with an experience devil.
We need the mind of Christ.