1.1 Background of problem 2
1.2 Significance of Study 2
1.3 Aims of Study 3
1.4 Objectives of Study 3
1.5 Problem of Statement 3
1.6 Research questions 4
1.7Assumptions 4
1.8 Format of Study 4
1.9 Conclusion 5
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background to the problem
The indiscipline problem is ranked as a major issue among students of secondary schools in Mauritius. In fact, this problem is prevailing not only in Mauritius but also across the many nations around the world. According to the Longman contemporary dictionary, indiscipline refers to “a lack of control in the behaviour of a group of people, with the result that they behave badly”. It occurs when students breach the rules and regulations of the classroom or school. Such disruptive behavior is not only a concern to schools and teachers but also the parents and most importantly to the students, whose future is at stake. Misconduct in the classroom interferes with teaching and learning. It can eventually lead to school dropout and similar negative social outcomes. Students’ behavioral problems are also thought to be a leading contributor to teachers’ and parents’ stress and attrition. Serious breaches of school discipline policy can have profound negative effects on teachers.
1.2 Significance of Study
Since discipline plays a crucial role in school system, it is all the more important to assess the measures taken to upholding it. Continuing to apply the present measures blindly without ascertaining oneself if they are actually alleviating the problem is equivalent to losing money, time or, worse, deteriorating the current situation. The study will help in not only finding if the measures are good or wrong but also to what extent the measures being adopted are effective or not. Since students are not the only ones being affected by the problem, the study will help us get to know students’ perception of the measures used to tackle indiscipline but also perception of teachers themselves. It