“God’s earth in all its fullness and beauty is for the people, Thomas Cook
Yes god’s earth is very charming and beautiful ones. Travel from the ancient time has held a fascination for mankind .The urge to explore new places and seek a change of environment is not new. In all the epics whether it is “The Ramayana’’ or “The Mahabharata” or “The Bible” every where travel has been mentioned. only reasons were different. Somewhere travel was to escape from one to another because of cruel king and somewhere it was because of parent’s order or a condition in gambling .But there is no doubt that rapid development in the means of transport and communication has made the whole world practically one neighborhood and has made travel an easy affair.
“Tourism is fourth Extension of Modern Economics” Frayad
According to a study Conducted by the Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates (WEFA group ) on behalf of the American Express Travel Related service company “Travel and Tourism is the largest industry in the world in terms of employment in almost every country of the world” The study further points out that “Travel and tourism employment investment output and value added exceed those of such major industries as steel automobiles textiles and electronic in Virtually every country” The estimates about tourist says that the numbers of tourist leaving their homes is 694 millions in 2001 and this number likely to swell to 1600 millions by 2020 and the receipts from it are estimated to Cross $ 2000 billion. One of the leading futurologists in the world Hermann Khan Predicting a golden era for tourism says “In sum I see a very bright future ahead for tourism and travel industry. There are clouds on the horizon to be sure but ….. it will become a larger giant than it already is in the next 50years. Today the benefits of tourism are not to be judged in terms of economic benefits alone Tourism has wider
References: Babu S. Satish , 1998 Tourism Development in India, New Delhi, A.P.H. Publishing corporation p. 20 Bezbaruah, M.P M. peters, 1969, International Tourism Hutchinson, P. 4 Burkart, A.J and Medlik, S., 1973 , Tourism : Past present and future. The total number of approved hotels and the room capacity also shows the poor state of infrastructure. (2005) |States |No Sonitpur District, Telephone : (03712)221016