Human Beginnings 2013
Professor Genevieve Dewar
Courses: Tuesdays 18:00 to 20:00 AC223
Office: MW342
Office Hour: Tuesday 14:00 to 15:00 (or by appointment)
Course website: Blackboard
Social media: Twitter @ProfDewar Facebook page: ANTA01
This is a first year class that exposes students to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology within the broader field of Anthropology. Archaeological methods, models, and Evolutionary theory are addressed and discussed. A major component of the class will be Human Evolution looking at the fossil evidence of our species, Homo sapiens including new and recent discoveries.
Learning Objectives
The goal of this course is to introduce students to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology focussing on human evolution from our earliest ancestors who walked upright, through to the development of complex state societies. The objectives of the course include learning the material and learning how to learn and express oneself clearly. This includes identifying important facts from a large body of material and to effectively summarise them; use this information to form an opinion and argue it logically.
There will be no make up exams, if you miss an exam, due to an emergency, religious observances or for medical reasons, when you bring in a note (following University Policy) immediately that percentage of your mark will be shifted to the final exam. The short essay will have a 10% per day penalty for a total of 5 days after which it will not be accepted.
Required Readings
The text in this course will be Lewis, B., Jurmain, R., and Kilgore, L. 2012. Understanding Humans: Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology 11th edition, Wadsworth. This text is available at the bookstore and in the library.
Class Schedule:
This is a tentative lecture schedule and is subject to change, except for