1. The science of raising aquatic plants or animals is: (a) Apiculture (B) Sericulture (c) Aquaculture (d) Pisciculture
2. Aquaculture is totally dependent on the: (a) Quality of H2O (b) Quantity of H2O (c) Both quality & quantity of H2O (d) None of above
3. The newest kind of aquaculture in which cleaning & reusing of H2O occurs is: (a) Pens (b) Ponds (c) River (d) Recirculating tanks
4. Around 500B.C the earlier Chinese documents on fish culture was written. This paper called: (a) Micrographia (b) Origin of species by means of Natural Selection (c) Fan hi on Pisci culture (d) None of above
5. The Japanese are particularly famous for their culture of the: (a). Fishes (b) Pearl oysters (c ) Shrimp (d) Cat fish
6. ………………is a warm water fish & can tolerate as high as 90o F but not less than 50oF: (a) Tilapia (b) Trout (c) Salmon (d) Trout & Salmon
7. Race way cultures can also be called: (a) Pond culture (b) Caged culture (c) Tank culture (d) Pen culture
8. ……………refers to the techniques of keeping several different harvestable animals (or plants) together so that all the space & nutrients are used to fullest extent: (a) Polyculture (b) Monoculture (c) Pisciculture (d) Sericulture
9. Type of soil is best bottom for fish pond is: (a) Clay soil (b) Loamy soil (c) Muddy soil (d) Sandy soil
10. Loss of appetite among fishes suddenly shows that pond water lacks: (a) Dissolved Oxygen (b) Dissolved CO2 (c) Dissolved N2 (d) Dissolved Ammonia
11. The residues & liquid part after anaerobic fermentation to produce: (a) NH4 gas (b) Bio gas (c) CO2 gas (d) Water gas
12. The digestive tract of chicken is very short, only 6 times of its own body length: (a) Pigeon (b) Cow