Corporate Social Responsibility represents not just successful enterprise but also thinking on social andenvironmental aspects. Corporations must include the social and environmental aspects to the activities which leadtowards making profit. Corporate Social Responsibility answers the requirements of both the customers and personswho are co-operating with them in business activities. Corporate Social Responsibility positively affects the whole of society and regulates its impact on the environment.Corporate social responsibility is a concept. It is a way of managing a company and making relationships with partnerswhich contributes to improving the reputation and credibility of a company.
The concept of CSR was established in the 1950s. It is a way of managing a company and making relationships withpartners which contributes to improving the reputation and credibility of a company. The European Union supportsCSR activities in the Europe. This issue has been worked on since the 1990s. The European Union uses CSR as a toolfor achieving tenable and acceptable growth.
The development of CSR is discussed from the second half of the 20th century. The year 1953 was a breakthroughbecause the book Social Responsibilities of the Businessman [1] was published. Bowman first defined socialresponsibility in this book. His definition is more about the responsibility of the businessman than the responsibility of the company. But his definition is still valid: “… to realise such procedures, take such decisions or follow such ways of behaviour which are required for the goals and values of our society.” The problem is that his definition and othersinsufficiently identify the requested behaviour of the businessman and company.The following idea became very popular in the 1960s: a company has not only economic and legal obligations but alsoobligations to society. If a company does not follow these obligations to society, society can close down or limit theenterprise.