An introduction to solution methods
Ecole des Mines de Nantes Master MOST 2012-2013
Olivier Péton
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Min f ( x ) xS An optimization problem
S is the solution set that represents all feasible solutions of a problem. f is the objective function that maps S to R. It evaluates each feasible solution. Also called evaluation function or cost function
Minimization = maximization !
max f ( x) min ( f ( x)) xS xS
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Mathematical modeling
Decision Variables x1,…,xn A solution = a value for each variable Objective function min f(x1,…,xn)
Constraints g1(x1,…,xn) a g2(x1,…,xn) b g3(x1,…,xn) = c
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Solutions of an optimization problem
What is a feasible solution ? What is an optimal solution ? How many optimal solutions are there for a given problem ?
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Combinatorial Optimization (C.O.) problems
Different fields in Optimization:
Linear Programming Non-Linear Optimization Integer – Mixed Linear Programming Graph / network optimization Routing, Scheduling, Supply Chain,…
Combinatorial optimization studies optimization on finite and discrete domains.
Find the minimum s* of f on a finite set S.
f ( s ) Min f ( s) sS - 5-
Characteristics of C.O. problems ?
A solution is a combination of values given to different variables. The variables are discrete. The number of possible combination is possibly huge.
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Ex1: The shortest Path
Data: Weighted Directed Graph G = (X,U) 2 distinct vertices s & t
Objective: find a shortest path from s to t
Model: P = {paths from s to t} W = cost of edge (i,j) ij f : P
( i , j )
R Wij
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Ex2: the 0-1 knapsack
A mountaineer has a knapsack of capacity b kg and n cans with weights ai and energy content ci, i = 1…n. Which cans can he bring such that the overall energy content of the knapsack is maximal ? Data: two