What is Multimedia?
Multimedia is woven combinations of text, graphic art, sound, animation and video elements, which together can multiply the impact of message.
Multimedia technology is intended to provide to the presenter with a powerful tool that can greatly enhance communication by delivering a multisensory experience.
What is Interactive Multimedia?
Interactive Multimedia refers to the ability of the user to control multimedia components and interact with them as needed.
What is Multimedia Authoring Software? Define its characteristics.
Multimedia authoring software provides the communicator design capability to allow the user(s)or audience to interact with the presenter or with the computer program itself.
Microsoft PowerPoint
Characteristics of Multimedia Authoring Software: Multimedia elements are typically sewn together into a project using authoring tools.
These software tools are deigned to manage individual multimedia elements and provide use interaction.
In addition to providing a method for users to interact with the project, most authoring tools also offer facilities for creating and editing text and images and they have extension to drive videodisc players and other relevant hardware peripherals.
Sounds and movies are usually created with editing tool dedicated to these media and then the elements are imported into the authoring system for playback.
Multimedia Application Design Consideration
In multimedia application design consideration following point play a key role.
1. Target audience
2. Multimedia application goals and objective
3. The application program content
4. Multimedia building blocks
5. Degree of interactivity
(1) Target audience
An educational program, marketing program a corporate presentation and an information kiosk application all have significant difference. Information related to audience help to define these program, which include following:
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