Professioin in Nursing has undergone many significant changes ranging from merely community service to a very dynamic profession which include in raising the quality of patient care.Nursing theories was introduced to set up the structure and framework and to accomplish the goal of best patient care. These theories formulated by many of the theorists may seem to be different but they just vary in their points of emphasis.
Introduction of Jean Watson Theory of Caring
Caring is a valuable asset to nurse when a nurse have contact with a patient with hope and commitment.This derives when a nurse sees a patient as a whole,his body mind and soul. Jean Watson Theory of caring is best explained and adhered by nurses treating the patient in holistic maner and utilizing a caring attidude which releases the positive energy that influences patients well being immensely. Dr. Jean Watson is an American nursing scholar. She earned her undergraduate degree in nursing her master’s degree in psychiatric-mental health nursing, and continued to earn her Ph.D. in educational psychology and counseling from the University of Colorado.Watson define
Watson's Theory of Human Caring Jean Watson’s theory of human caring is about nursing and caring being side by side. According to Watson, a person can not completely heal from a disease/condition if only the disease is treated and the person is not(Watson, 1999). Meaning, nursing should focus on providing more care and connecting on a deeper level with their patient’s to promote faster and more effective healing. Because of nursing shortages and increased demand on nursing, there is sometimes little time to none to sit down with a patient and have a heart to heart conversation. Watson’s theory, not only helps incorporate care back into nursing, but emphasizes it as a necessity to better allow the patient to heal(Watson, 1999). Dr. Jean Watson is an American nursing scholar. She earned her