AP/HREQ 1040 6.00A – Power and Society: Critical Issues in Social Science
Term: Y - 2014-2015
Instructor: Dr. Claudio Colaguori e-mail: claudioc@yorku.ca office: 328 Atkinson Bldg.
Lecture Location and Time: 135 Vanier College – Thursday afternoons from 2:30 to 4:30 pm (plus tutorial before or after class) – Our course runs from September 11, 2014 to April 2, 2015 inclusive.
Tutorial Times and Locations:
Tutorial # 1 Thursday 1:30pm in VC 107A Tutorial # 6 Thursday 4:30 pm in SC 220
Tutorial # 2 Thursday 4:30pm in ACE 003 Tutorial # 7 Thursday 1:30 pm in Ross S201
Tutorial # 3 Thursday 1:30pm in SC 205 Tutorial # 8 Thursday 4:30 pm in Ross S133
Tutorial # 4 Thursday 4:30pm in CB 115 Tutorial # 9 Thursday 1:30pm in SC 214
Tutorial # 5 Thursday 1:30 pm in VC 119 Tutorial # 10 Thursday 11:30 in MC 049
Course Description:
This course introduces students to various ways power relations exist in the organization of our society. It covers themes such as human nature and socialization, culture, consumerism, mass media, social control, race and colonialism, the environment, public health and globalization, among others. The course consists of four segments each with its own thematic focus. The course inquires into areas such as: ‘What are the primary concerns and points of focus within critical social science’? ‘What is the role of culture in the formation of self and identity’? ‘How can we understand some of the main social problems in the emerging global society’? “What social forces maintain the inequalities and problems in our society?” The main course theme is that the social reality we live in is not an inevitable formation, but rather is a “socially constructed reality” – this means that our society develops as the product of powerful social forces, and subsequently is always involved in processes of continuous change brought about by