With seven billion people and counting, at what point will people become concerned with the future and what their children’s lives will be like? When we have to get rid of our cars because gas is no longer available to us because it is being used by so many other people, will we care then? We as Americans account for only a small percentage of the total population; however we consume 26% of the world’s energy. Each person in the United States accounts for the same amount of energy consumption as hundreds of people in almost every other country. With every new person adding to the world’s total population the quality of life goes down for us and the competition for resources goes up. We must find ways to cut down our energy consumption so we can effectively raise the carrying capacity of this planet, as well as maximize our resources so we can continue to live normal lives.
With seven billion people and counting, at what point will people become concerned with the future and what their children’s lives will be like? When we have to get rid of our cars because gas is no longer available to us because it is being used by so many other people, will we care then? We as Americans account for only a small percentage of the total population; however we consume 26% of the world’s energy. Each person in the United States accounts for the same amount of energy consumption as hundreds of people in almost every other country. With every new person adding to the world’s total population the quality of life goes down for us and the competition for resources goes up. We must find ways to cut down our energy consumption so we can effectively raise the carrying capacity of this planet, as well as maximize our resources so we can continue to live normal lives.