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E - C O M M E R C E has not solved the problem of slow development of ecommerce standards.XML, as a meta markup language, provides a development toolfor defining format of data interchange in a wide variety of business communities. Web Services offers a flexible andeffective architecture for the implementation. There is no doubtthat XML and the Web Services will shape the course of ecommerce in years to come
Concepts of Electronic Commerce
Electronic commerce is narrowly defined as buying and sellingproducts/services over the Internet. The concept has beenbroadened to include all business activities of a sales cycle. Thedistinction between E-commerce and E-business has becomeblurred. Ecommerce and Electronic Commerce has been usedinterchangeably, Electronic Business, however, has not been awidely accepted terminology.David Kosiur described the Components of ElectronicCommerce in three dimensions (Processes, Institutions andNetworks) in his 1997 book Understanding Electronic Com-merce. We expand Institutions as E-commerce Players,Networks as Technologies and add Markets as the fourthdimension of E-commerce.
E- Commerce In ActionHow e-Commerce Works
The consumer first moves through the internet to themerchant’s web site. At the web site, the consumer is brieflygiven an introduction to the product or services the merchantoffers. It is at this point that the consumer makes the decisionto visit the web store by clicking on a link or button located onthe web page (e.g., Buy Now, Shop Online, or an image of ashopping cart button are common entry points into a webstore). After choosing to visit the web store, the consumer istypically connected to an online transaction server locatedsomewhere else on the internet which runs software commonlyreferred to as a shopping cart application. The shopping cartapplication has been setup by the merchant to display allproducts and services offered, as well