Rachel – She discusses different parts of a latte. Expresso representing family, the steam & milk representing friends, and the froth representing interests and hobbies. I like how she asked if any drinks like me.
Melissa – Discussed her twin sister Maddie and how they look alike on the surface. How they are inseparable and helped her social skills. She had really good eye contact. Also, had a good spin with the introduction.
Tyler – Talked about the passing of his mother and lessons brought from her. Central point was compassion for all people. He learned determination from a young age. Strong use of quotes.
Lai – Hurting her knee revolves around the speech. She unfortunately tore everything in her knee. Gained the ability to define herself beyond athletics. I like the …show more content…
I do not agree with her entirely, however she did move me one degree to the right. She used the example that has cured cancer in mice for decades and it hasn’t worked in humans was very effective. This shows how just because it works on animals does not mean it will work on humans.
Mercedes – She discussed exit exams for high school students to officially graduate. Mercedes says that this exam could help stop students from dropping out and help their grades. Although a noble goal I believe there is already so many standardized tests for students and I don’t think adding another one to high school students will benefit them much at all.
Lai – Religion in public schools should be allowed because it will help children decide what religion they want to be affiliated with. It will help students decide for themselves what religion they want. If children are not exposed to religions, they will just conform to their parents and not have their own opinion. I agree that religion should be allowed in schools. It is a vital portion of peoples lives and Lai definitely made it seem even more important to