a. Project Context
Education is generally described as “the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction.” It is a basic human right because it is considered one of the fundamental guarantees that enable an individual to live his full potential as a human being. In line with this, the 1987 Philippine Constitution states that, “The State shall establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate, and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people and the society”. To do this the Education System started to mold its structure to align with the global standards and competitiveness. This will give graduates competencies and skills relevant to the job market. The K to 12 curriculum for the Philippine education is a solution to make the country’s current education system aligned internationally and make Filipino students globally competitive. It will provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills and prepare graduates for tertiary education. It will include different trade areas in the field of Tourism, Health Care Services, Maritime and ICT Sector to prepare students in the needed skills of the industry.
Classroom is the place where molding globally competitive individuals takes place. In order to make this goal possible, finding solution to the identified current classrooms problems should take place. There are problems identified with the usual traditional method used in learning inside the classroom. One is what they call “chalk and talk”. The teacher writes the lesson on the board and explains it. This has been the method used ever since. The problem with this method is that each student doesn’t learn in the same way. This method may be effective to others and may not be to some. Studies show that students learn in different ways, by visual and auditory practice, or by doing and reading. In a traditional class where the teacher explains the lesson some students might find it