1.0 Introduction
Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is a leading edge pharmaceutical company and is a member of the BEXIMCO Group, the largest private sector industrial conglomerate in Bangladesh. The strategic strengths of Beximco Pharma are its strong brand recognition, highly skilled work force and diversified business mix. Beximco Pharma brands - Neoceptin R (Ranitidine), Napa (Paracetamol), Amdocal (Amlodipine), Neofloxin (Ciprofloxacin), Bexitrol F (Salmeterol Plus Fluticasone), Bextrum Gold (Multivitamin and Multi Mineral) and Atova (Atorvastatin) are among the most recognized brands in the Bangladesh Pharmaceutical industry.
Beximco Pharma started its operation in 1980, manufacturing products under the licenses of Bayer AG of Germany and Upjohn Inc. of USA and now has grown to become nation's one of the leading pharmaceutical companies, supplying 15% of country's total medicine need. Today Beximco Pharma manufactures and markets its own `branded generics' for almost all disease ranking from AIDS to cancer, from infection to asthma, from hypertension to diabetes, both nationally and internationally. Beximco Pharma manufactures a range of dosage forms including tablets, capsules, dry syrup, powder, cream, ointment, suppositories, large volume intravenous fluids, metered dose inhalers etc.
1.2 Objectives of the Study
The main objectives of this internship report are to analyze the Inventory Management of Beximco Pharmaceutical Ltd. and help management in future policy formulation that is likely to improve the quality of their Inventory Management..
The specific objectives are:
* To give a brief overview of Beximco Pharmaceutical Limited. * To be familiar with the corporate environment. * To analyze the inventory management and forecast & recommend the future policy. * To know about the procedures Inventory Management System. * Determining the drawbacks of the existing system. * To understand the flow of documents