Time is very important in every people especially when we do our job. We have done all at the correct time so that we can meet the quota of the company every day. It is difficult in doing all things manually particularly when you’ve lack of time to do this, like counting the number of items that are already sold, how much is the total amount and determinable number of the stocks of each medicine.
The problem in manual is that, a pharmacy assistant has a great chance to make some errors and fraud in inventory because in the processing of sales and inventory usually begins when a customer bought a medicine over the counter and sometimes they have made a wrong total amount of medicine by means of confusion and crowdedness of the customers. They couldn’t determine faster the number of stocks of each item and the out of stock. Since it is often times that the managers do not have enough time or information to check the items sold and remaining, they don’t even know the exact quantity of stocks of the medicine.
For the customer, the main problem is that they are waiting for the pharmacy assistant that is looking for the medicine they intended to buy, if they have the particular brand of medicine that they are buying or are they still have a stock. It is also a waste of time to the part of customer.
So the main focus of the study is on how can be easily know the amount and quantity of medicine with less effort to the employee and improve the accurate information in a receipt. This paper shows about the inventory system.
Background of the Study:
Inventory is basically the total number of medicine held in stock by a store and other business. An inventory system is a process whereby a business keeps track of the goods and materials that is available. In its simplest sense it can be done manually by a count at the end of each day. In this way it is possible to keep a record of the goods coming in to