Approval Sheet
Table of Contents
CHAPTER I: THE PROBLEM A. Introduction B. Statement of the Problem C. Statement of Goals and Objectives D. Scope and Limitations E. Definition of Terms F. User Requirements
CHAPTER II: DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS A. Company Profile: History/Mission/Vision/Goals and Objectives B. Description of the Existing System C. DFD of the Existing System
Context Diagram
Diagram Zero
Child DFD – if there’s process to be breakdown based from Diagram Zero-optional D. Results of Interview (Summary) / Results of Questionnaires / Survey (Present in Table or Figure) E. Document Analysis – describe here the gathered sample forms from the company
CHAPTER III: ANALYSIS OF SYSTEMS ALTERNATIVES A. First Alternative 1. Feasibility Issues i. Technical Feasibility ii. Economic Feasibility iii. Operational Feasibility iv. Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) – Table form v. Software and Hardware Requirements – include cost/price vi. GANTT Chart vii. DFD a. Context Diagram b. Diagram Zero c. Child DFD if there’s process to be breakdown based from Diagram Zero viii. Data Dictionary B. Second Alternative 2. Feasibility Issues ix. Technical Feasibility x. Economic Feasibility xi. Operational Feasibility xii. Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) – Table form xiii. Software and Hardware Requirements – include cost/price xiv. GANTT Chart xv. DFD d. Context Diagram e. Diagram Zero f. Child DFD if there’s process to be breakdown based from Diagram Zero xvi. Data Dictionary C. Third Alternative 3. Feasibility Issues xvii. Technical Feasibility xviii. Economic Feasibility xix. Operational