DFA2102: Investigating Art II
(History Component)
"Art is a form of description. Discuss and elaborate. What is your understanding for the abovementioned statement?"
Muhammad Rahimin Bin Misnam
F13FA0154 [FA2C]
Lecturer: Mr Chua Poh Leng
14 - 16th October 2014
Art is no doubt a form of description. In a way, it can describe a situation, an era, a story, a person 's life and so on and so forth. If we put it as such, then yes, art is definitely a description of something no matter how you look at it in a different perspective. This topic intrigued me the most among the other choices available. It relates to me due to the fact that I personally try to always infuse a meaning, hidden or for the world to see, inside my artworks. It has always been a habit of mine to describe something through art, hence the topic chosen for this assignment.
Most of the general public outside the field of arts would see an art form as the embodiment of entertainment, possibly objects which are nice to look at or something that 's done merely for fun or out of boredom which holds no real context whatsoever. This is mostly the prejudice given to the art culture. In this assignment, I intend to expose to the public how art is more than mere paints splattered across a canvas. I want to hopefully, and thoroughly clarify the true beauty of art, not purely tied to the Fine Arts point of view but also, from the different majors around.
Moving back to the question at hand, most would debate back by saying Abstract, Modern/Contemporary or even Impressionism are arts executed for the sake of art or to beautify the place. Maybe Impressionism is, to a certain extent, that but even how the art movement itself came about plays an important role to the artwork as a piece. Impressionists had their own way of painting a subject and this came as turning away from the common fine and detailed paintings artists sought to achieve back then.
Bibliography: http://brushpaintandgo.yolasite.com/resources/image001.jpg – 16/10/2014, 6:05pm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impressionism – 16/10/2014, 6:06pm http://a-painting-per-day.blogspot.sg/2010/01/number-8-by-jackson-pollock.html - 16/10/2014, 6:07pm http://theartstory.org/movement-impressionism.html - 15/10/2014, 9:00pm