Research Proposal: Investigating the co-teaching model and if it’s beneficial and effective for all special education students?
Liberty University-EDUC 721
Research Proposal: Investigating the co-teaching model and if it beneficial and effective for all special education students?
This study investigates if special education students can increase their academic performance in a co-taught model versus a resource room or small group setting. Co-teaching in inclusion classrooms is prevalent in schools across the country and is in fact increasing as a service delivery model; yet its effectiveness has not been proved through empirical evidence. (Scheeler, Congdon, & Stansbery, 2010) It is assumed that special education students that are only assigned to the resource room or in a small group setting typically will continue to perform below grade level and perform poorly on test that measure their academic ability, oftentimes this can be attributed to the special education teacher focusing on the students’ deficits, instead of the grade level material that they can receive in a collaborative classroom. The implementation of successful co-teaching classes for special education students could have a profound effect on the students’ ability to excel academically and improve their overall cognitive ability. To determine the effectiveness of the co-teaching model, the research used a sample of 60 random special education students, with a selection criteria based on the students’ previous scores on the Criterion Reference Competency Test (CRCT), and the students’ psycho-education assessment contained in their Individual Education Plan (IEP). The sample group also participated in a randomized pretest/posttest control group. The research utilized a quantitative method of research techniques.
Students with disabilities and classified as special needs are required to meet similar expectations as
References: Carter, N, Prater, M.A., Jackson, A, & Marchant, M. (2009). Educators’ perceptions of collaborative planning process for students with disabilities Stang, K, & Lyons, B. (2008). Effects of modeling collaborative teaching for pre-service teachers Tannock, M. (2009). Tangible and intangible elements of collaborative teaching. Intervention in school and clinic, 44, 173-178.