Dashaun Fails
Karen Hamilton
Within the last several years there has been a slight increase of marijuana usage nationally amongst adolescents ranging from the ages of eleven to eighteen. Youth tend to be easily pressured or influenced into smoking marijuana by entertainment such as movies and music, as well as friends and family members that condone the habit. Since it is nearly impossible to overdose on marijuana alone, it is most favorable among adolescents because it does not pose an immediate threat to their immune system compared to other drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy. According to http://www.guide4living.com, marijuana has an active ingredient in it called Tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC, which causes many temporary side effects such as fatigue, distorted perceptions, rise in blood pressure, and hunger. Once the THC is inhaled it only takes a several seconds to travel to the user’s brain then it gradually flows throughout the remainder of their body. When adolescents frequently use marijuana it causes a significant decline in their cognitive skills, because their brains are still in a premature state and still has ample time to reach its optimal potential, when marijuana is continually smoked throughout the early adolescent stage until early adulthood, the chances of becoming addicted rises. Now that the some states has made it legal to use marijuana for medicinal purposes, it is up to the adults of society to inform adolescents of the hazards this drug can have, and show them how to overcome the pressures of society. When adolescents reach a certain age they have the urge to become independent in a quest to find their inner selves. They often make adjustments to their appearance, behavior, and perceptions to discover what it is they want out of life. Because adolescents are still at the stage where they have a high need for acceptance and are still very
References: Alfonso, J., & Dunn, M. E. (2007). Differences in the Marijuana Expectancies of Adolescents in Relation to Marijuana Use. Substance Use & Misuse. 42(6), 1009-1025. doi:10.1080/10826080701212386 Daddis, C. (2011). Desire for Increased Autonomy and Adolescents ' Perceptions of Peer Autonomy: 'Everyone Else Can; Why Can 't I? '. Child Development, 82(4), 1310-1326 http://www.guide4living.com/drugabuse/cannabis-effects.htm