Jessica M. Morgan
Kaplan University
Professor Richard Niebusch
September 28, 2010
There are several techniques pertaining to the investigative methods of inquiry, all of which are extremely helpful in performing an investigation. These approaches include surveillance, the tenacity method, intuition method, infiltration, and other exploratory processes. Systematically observing the person of interest is important. This is where surveillance plays a key role within criminal investigation. Surveillance helps to gather pertinent information such as personal contacts, places of frequency, financial activities and more about the suspected person (Osterburg&Ward, 2008). Another method utilized, is the tenacity method. Although the tenacity method is frequently used, it can portray a certain bias. This is due to the fact that this style of analysis is based on preconceived notions and it can be difficult to correct in the face of evidence. However, it does help to gather information regarding a different outlook. Infiltration is also used as another suitable method of inquiry. Infiltration helps to retrieve the information regarding the various unfair activities going on. The intuition method can also be used to investigate. This logic is based on the personal thinking such as it seems to be correct to someone (Hess&Orthmann, 2010). This can sometimes be problematic due to reliability issues. Other methods include systematically gathering intelligence under cover. This particular style helps to obtain many clues and vital data from where the criminal offenses can be determined. Recordings from telephonic communications and forensic laboratories also serve purpose to the methods of inquiry in that they provide undeniable evidence.
The optimal mindset of an investigator is the perceptions or disposition one has regarding a particular situation; mindset being the preconceived ideas or thoughts that one may
References: Hess, K. & Orthmann, C. (2010). Criminal Investigation (9th Edition). Cengage Learning Press scientific method. (n.d.). Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. Retrieved September 28, 2010, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/scientific method suspect. (n.d.). Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved September 28, 2010, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/suspect Osterburg, J. & Ward, R. (2008). Criminal Investigation (5th ed). Cincinnati, OH: Anderson Publishing