ABSTRACT The objective of the first part of the study was to find the best ratio of ink using carbon from used batteries and charcoal as pigments. The ink was evaluated on the basis of how much pigment is suspended in the mixture and their shelf life. The second part was aimed at the production of carbon paper. The best kinds of ink were tested on two mediums, coupon bond and onion skin. They were also tested for efficiency in terms of the number of coatings needed. The carbon paper was evaluated on the basis of clarity, neatness of the print and general acceptability. The final sample made use of two coatings of the ink mixture using carbon black, with coupon bond as the medium. The pigment (carbon black) to vehicle (glycerol) ratio of 1 g : 6 mL and 1 g : 7 mL was used using carbon black as pigment with glycerol as vehicle. Although the commercial bond paper has better quality, since it uses more technologically advanced methods, the use of the experimental carbon paper was acceptable. INTRODUCTION Carbon paper has many uses. It has a high demand in schools, offices and other institutions. The ink used in the production of commercial carbon paper is expensive due to its high production costs. Because of its high cost and increasing demand, there arises a need for a cheaper substitute. The study also aims to help reduce the problems in disposing used batteries by
be printed; and(5) nature of pigment. Glycerol is viscous and is easily absorbed by paper and, thus, makes it a good vehicle. Burned wood is a good source of charcoal. Batteries have black particles called black mix, which is primarily composed of carbon black, acetylene black making good use of them. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Ink is a mixture of vehicle (liquid component and solvent), pigment (coloring matter) and other