Basic Science Process Skills:
1. Observing - using your senses to gather information about an object or event. It is description of what was actually perceived. This information is considered qualitative data.
2. Measuring - using standard measures or estimations to describe specific dimensions of an object or event. This information is considered quantitative data.
3. Inferring - formulating assumptions or possible explanations based upon observations.
4. Classifying - grouping or ordering objects or events into categories based upon characteristics or defined criteria.
5. Predicting - guessing the most likely outcome of a future event based upon a pattern of evidence.
6. Communicating - using words, symbols, or graphics to describe an object, action or event.
Integrated Science Process Skills:
1. Formulating Hypotheses - stating the proposed solutions or expected outcomes for experiments. These proposed solutions to a problem must be testable.
2. Identifying of Variables - stating the changeable factors that can affect an experiment. It is important to change only the variable being tested and keep the rest constant. The one being manipulated is the independent variable; the one being measured to determine its response is the dependent variable; and all being kept constant are constants or controlled variables.
3. Defining Variables Operationally - explaining how to measure a variable in an experiment.
4. Describing Relationships Between Variables - explain relationships between variables in an experiment such as between the independent and dependant variables.
5. Designing Investigations - designing an experiment by identifying materials and describing appropriate steps in a procedure to test a hypothesis.
6. Experimenting - carrying out an experiment by carefully following directions of the procedure so the results can be verified by repeating the procedure several times.
7. Acquiring