Part 1 - Understanding Investments What is an investment? Many of us think of interest-bearing deposits or fixed deposits when we think of performing the Haj or saving for that down payment for a car or a house. But in today 's world, there are several other options available that could make your savings grow or as commonly said, "make your money work for you." Savings in banks generally do not grow far above the inflation rate but possesses the great advantage of being almost risk-free. Investments, on the other hand, when wisely planned can bring higher rates of return but the associated risks are higher than leaving your money in the bank. What then is an investment? An investment is a commitment of funds to one or more assets that will be held over some future time period, in the hope that it will generate more income. The asset could be tangible like real estate properties or non-tangible monetary assets like securities and you would invest in them based on your financial goals and objectives. By investing your money wisely you can enjoy greater returns. Wise investors constantly look for investment opportunities that will make their accumulated money bring higher returns. Let 's say you have managed to save some money every month and now, you have a tidy sum. What do you do with it? How can you make your savings work for you to generate even more income? As you know, RM100 hidden under the pillow remains RM100 ten or twenty or infinity years down the road. Placing your money in the bank may be almost risk-free but both inflation and taxation constantly erode its purchasing power. You should
Part 1 - Understanding Investments What is an investment? Many of us think of interest-bearing deposits or fixed deposits when we think of performing the Haj or saving for that down payment for a car or a house. But in today 's world, there are several other options available that could make your savings grow or as commonly said, "make your money work for you." Savings in banks generally do not grow far above the inflation rate but possesses the great advantage of being almost risk-free. Investments, on the other hand, when wisely planned can bring higher rates of return but the associated risks are higher than leaving your money in the bank. What then is an investment? An investment is a commitment of funds to one or more assets that will be held over some future time period, in the hope that it will generate more income. The asset could be tangible like real estate properties or non-tangible monetary assets like securities and you would invest in them based on your financial goals and objectives. By investing your money wisely you can enjoy greater returns. Wise investors constantly look for investment opportunities that will make their accumulated money bring higher returns. Let 's say you have managed to save some money every month and now, you have a tidy sum. What do you do with it? How can you make your savings work for you to generate even more income? As you know, RM100 hidden under the pillow remains RM100 ten or twenty or infinity years down the road. Placing your money in the bank may be almost risk-free but both inflation and taxation constantly erode its purchasing power. You should