The narrator conveys the golden hard spirit of himself who
The narrator conveys the golden hard spirit of himself who
The first line in the second stanza has a break after “words” accentuated by a comma putting emphasis on the word “words” and slowing the rhythm of that sentence. In “bravely clear” there is a reversed letter pattern “el” and “le”, which makes the words flow together. The words “child”, “night”, “some” and “small” are repeated throughout this poem perhaps to emphasize these words. There may be a connection between “child” and “thing” since both words are preceded by the word “small”. In lines ten and eleven there is internal rhyming with the words “listening”, “dreaming” and “thing” which have the same “ing” ending. The author uses alliteration in “some” and “small” which draws the two words together. In the last line there is…
In the poem he continually discusses that death is rage, a curse, etc. These inevitable fears are first introduced in the first stanza when he states, “Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” This first stanza opens with saying one should not give into death, and when it comes, it should come with a full life. These ideas are featured once again in the last stanza. The author reveals the true purpose about the poem in this stanza, stating, “And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” In this stanza he is saying that he believes his father should fight, and that he does not care what his father has to do to fight. Giving up the fight is like being a lawn mower in a field of gardeners, in the end those who fight have a greater…
The poem is set out in regular six-line stanzas, alternating longer and shorter iambic lines, and an abcbdb rhyme scheme. The choice of this simple and traditional form is reassuring and helps to make the content accessible. In my opinion it is suggesting that you can make a foreign city and culture familiar, and allows time to reflect on the disturbing content and imagery. Each stanza also includes a main event of the poets journey…
Invictus Close Reading The poem Invictus by William Hernest Henley is a quite unusual poem that tells the story of a man trying to overcome and survive when faced with a difficult situation. It starts off with him saying that the “night” covers him, which in my opinion refers to suffering and darkness of some sort. This first line plays into the second line because it states darkness again, which I believe is talking about a literal hell on earth the way it is worded and it even mentions the north and south poles.…
The poems structure is ten and five line stanzas. The first stanza begins with two short sentences to establish and emphasise the feeling, sadness and…
The poem is written in blank verse. This means that there is no set rhyme scheme or metre to the poem. The poem is divided into nine stanzas of four lines each and it concludes with one single line stanza. The first nine stanzas with their four lines each, demonstrate the narrow mindedness of the white woman and the thinking of her fellow white Americans; while, the final one line stanza is an attempt by the poet to show that the Native American Indians are both separate and have a broader scope than the white Americans. Yet, the use of the blank verse form by the poet, suggests that there is room for imaginative speculation on the poem.…
The entirety of the poem is a metaphor of a man's crisis in life. The first part of the poem, or until "into the black, slack," is dark. This portion depicts the darkness's of life, such as death and the hard ships. The third stanza mentions " here/ is struggle, / closure --/ pathless, seamless / peerless mud "which is a reference to life. Life is full of struggles like the struggles one would have trying to cross a swamp. There is no clear path or a person aiding you while you cross the mode, as there is no one to help you through the "hipholes, hammocks" in life. The mans' " bones / knock together at the pale / joints " which shows that the man's struggles in life have been long and tedious. The struggle has been so lengthy that it has even begun to wear on the bones and joints in his body. Imagery is used to give the readers feeling of disgust and sorrow. Words such as "mud," "dark blurred / faintly belching bogs" give a negative connotation and make people think of darkness, specifically, the darkness's in life.…
This poem appears to be a dramatic monologue, spoken by the character at a moment when he/she was approaching death. Using key terms within the last stanza, we can infer the speaker is approaching death. Therefore, the tone of the poem should be that of sadness or despair, but as one can see, the speaker is trying to convey hope towards the end of the poem (representing the end of life). The rhyme scheme is identical in both stanzas; however, it does not follow any standard pattern. The rhyming sequence is unique. If counting the lines, all of the even numbered lines from the second stanza follow the same rhyme sequence as the first stanza. In addition, the first three odd lines of each stanza rhyme with themselves, but lines seven and nine of each stanza rhyme with each other, independent of the other odd lines.…
The simplicity of the first stanza can be easily compared to the simplicity of confessing feelings to a friend. It consists of a simple “A-B, A-B” rhyme scheme, with each A containing seven syllables, and each B having eight. Although this sounds simple enough, the following eleven lines surprisingly contain seven syllables each. This is because although the written words are saying danger and madness, “It grew both day and night” (Blake 9), the speaker actually feels sly. The words are organized, much like his plan to put an end to his anger.…
Christopher was a boy who was born in a rich East Coast family. He graduated from one of the best universities in the United States. However, he wasn’t content with his life and didn’t know what the truth about his existence was. Therefore, he decided to abandon his family and society to find his sincere self, which was his vital target. He thought that he wasn’t the person that he was supposed to be. Clearly, he was ready to sacrifice himself to find his original self and his true being. He went on a long journey that ended in Alaska. After living alone for 112 days, he died due to starvation. Life is a gift which is given by God. In life, we all have some responsibilities to implement, such as worshiping, serving our parents, and serving and protecting our countries, which are holy tasks. We all encounter hardships and crises. Nevertheless, Christopher ignored all of these responsibilities and pursued his selfish thought. Therefore, I believe that he was surely foolish.…
The first stanza comprises three rhyming couplets, a tercet and two further rhyming couplets. These follow the rhyme scheme aabbccdedeeff.. Lines 7 and 9 break the rhythm as they contain nine stresses and thus have hypermetrical, feminine endings which allow the poet 's thoughts to flow smoothly. These lines also contain the alliterative phrases 'reverential resignation ' and 'sense of supplication ' which draws attention to the poet 's quasi-religious experience with sleep prior to the onslaught of his drug induced nightmares.…
The rhyme scheme is constructed around the words "day" and "night," and words which rhyme with them. The repetition of the third lines, such as " Rage, rage against the dying of the light" and the fact that the rhyme comes from the same two words, give an added rhythm to the poem other than that created by syllables and there is an insistence created through this rhythm, allowing Thomas to get his message across.…
What is one to do when stuck in a pickle, finding nothing but sorrow and self-pity being the only realistic ways of comfort? Write a poem. That is what William Henley did when he wrote “Invictus”. The poem “Invictus” talks about how William Henley is the master of his own soul and how he’s not going to let anything or anybody else run his life.…
There is rhyme every other line for most of the poem that immediately guides the reader through the poem. The phrases “I rise” and “Still I rise” are used repetitively throughout the poem to show that the speaker continues to overcome each situation of oppression and each oppressor.…
The poem is made up of three stanzas which consist of four lines each. In the entire poem, there is a simple rhyme scheme of ABCB in all of the three stanzas. The lines in the poem are all of irregular length. The first and the third stanzas are similar because in each of these stanzas both the drowning man and the persona can be heard speaking. In fact, the third and fourth lines in both stanzas are very similar in structure. The lines spoken by the persona in the third stanza is enclosed within brackets as if the persona is interrupting the drowning man’s speech. The second stanza contains the voice of the crowd with the exception of ‘They said’, which belongs to the persona.…