1. evaluate how to involve the learner n the assessment process
2. Analyse the role of peer and self assessment in the assessment process
Learners flourish with the help of well-trained teachers who know how to clarify the learning objectives, assess the leaner’s, and make changes along the way that can support the maximum learning potential of each student. To do this one must carefully align the objectives with the planned assessments to paint a true picture of student learning. The payoff for students who are given ample opportunities to “personalise their learning objectives” has been found to be more effective. This comes through good peer feedback and real assessment that is ongoing by the teacher. “Providing students with opportunities to reflect on their own performance and exchange feedback with peers can help them become lifelong learners” (Dean, C.B., et al. 2012) and aligning the objectives with the assessments is the first step in this process. Writing Objective:
Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level’
Cooperative Learning To address this standard one would first assess the knowledge of the students through a class discussion establishing what students already know and finding ways to connect their past learning with this new experience. A quick hand-raising assessment will occur to establish familiarity with research of all types. Next there will be opportunity for open class discussion on topics of interest and students will be allowed to join one of five different groups through self-selection and placing their names on giant posters hung in the classroom. The students will work as teams over the next two weeks to research their topic and come up with a presentation for the class. This can be in the form of a power point, audio-visual, brochure, verbal presentation with
Involving learners in the assessment process is a key way of helping them to manage and ‘take