AUTHOR-Rameshwar Prasad Srivastava MS ( Cyber Law & Information Security) Indian Institute of Information Technology ,Allahabad
The address of a computer on the Internet is commonly referred to as the IP Address (Internet Protocol). It 's a 32 bit (4 bytes) number normally written as follows: Since a byte can represent any number from zero to 255, the least and the maximum IP address possible are: to
Understanding IP Addresses
Understanding IP Addressing is necessary, since all applications on the Internet generate logs, wherein IP Addresses of all interacting computers are recorded. The logs from a basis for investigation by investigating officers. The IP address has two parts - Network number and the Host number. Whereas the Network Number is assigned by an International Body interNIC, the host Number or Host ID is assigned by the Network System 's administrator. For convenience we shall address the four bytes as follows
Class A network
These are among the biggest networks in the world. If the numeric value of the first byte is between 1 and 127, it indicates that the IP Address belongs to a A Class network. For such addresses the 1st byte represents the network number 2nd, 3rd and the 4th byte represent the host number. Thus for the IP Address the network number is 98; and the host number is 124.103.45. As is evident there can only be 127 Class A networks, and each of them can support (256x256x256) about 1,67,77,000 terminals.
Class B network
If the numeric value of the first byte is between 128 and 191, it indicates that the IP Address belongs to a B Class network. For such addresses 1st and 2nd byte represents the network number, and the 3rd and the 4th byte represent the host number. Thus for the IP Address the network number is 156.124 and the host number is 103.45. As is evident there can only be 16,384 (64x256)